Picture gallery September 2019

Summer is over, and we are happy to announce that most of the trees we planted in the internationalist academy, survived the extreme heat of Syrian summer.

In these last months, we had been thinking about our ecological works in Rojava, and giving a wider perspective to the campaign for Make Rojava Green Again. The big demonstrations happening all around the world, related to climate emergency and other ecological movements, proved to us that we’re on the right path. The youth is leading a wave of global awareness, showing the importance of the struggle to defend our planet. With this, our voice is also reaching several other countries, thanks to the book we started to write back in 2017 and that now is translated and distributed in several languages. The meetings of Make Rojava Green Again in Europe are connecting different people, with different backgrounds and different perspectives, all with the common goal of defend our planet and spread the revolution.

Soon it will be two years since the start of this campaign, and since then important ecological developments are happening in Rojava. We are connecting with projects and friends that, like us, are working to improve the ecological situation with a revolutionary perspective. We are getting rooted in the society, getting rooted in the revolution, and we see the need to expand our roots, to grow stronger. We want to connect with different local projects, to learn, support and organize with them. Until now, we had been very focused on the internationalist academy, building a pilot project to learn what can be our role in this revolution. This helped us to have a better understanding of the society and the revolution where we are planting our seeds, but now we see the need of going one step further.

To prepare this step further, we had been discussing about social ecology in relation with the ideas of Abdullah Öcalan, reaching the conclusion that Reber Apo is a permaculturist. We also worked with Heyva Sor to support the local farmers that lost their crops with the fires of this summer, launching the campaign ‘From Ashes We Rose’. Our work with students of Qamislo brought us better understanding, from which we launched a video on the topic of youth and ecology. We had some debates about the youth ecological movements around the world and we wrote a statement for the global climate strike. We are learning about the ecological projects that are being developed by local municipalities in relation with reforestation, agriculture, energy, water and waste management and recycling.

We are also getting to know more cooperatives, to better understand the economical situation and the relation it have with the society. We want to have a wider perspective about the reality in Rojava, to better understand the problems we are leaving in Rojava and be able to push for holistic solutions that create sustainability. That’s the aim of social ecology.

Once again, we want to take the chance to thank all the people who supported our work in the last months. Only with your help is the work here possible!


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