Social Ecology and the Rojava Revolution is a collection of essays published in solidarity with the revolution in Rojava.
Featuring texts from Murray Bookchin, Abdullah Öcalan, Carolyn Merchant and an introduction by Debbie Bookchin. Our edition is beautifully illustrated by Matt Bonner – a companion book to the Make Rojava Green Again book from 2018.
Our Friends from @dogsectionpress printed and published the book.
All proceeds from the sale will support the work of the Internationalist Commune of Rojava.
The books are printed with Calverts, a worker-owned cooperative.

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“This volume, Social Ecology and the Rojava Revolution, provides an excellent introduction to the concept of social ecology and why it plays such an important role in the liberatory society being built by the five million Kurds, Arabs, Assyrian Christians, Yezidis, and people of other ethnicities who together live and govern the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, more informally known as Rojava.”
“This is a very fitting book at a time where the ecological revolution in Kurdistan is under grave threat- it shows how the fight against colonialism and building a free life are happening simultaneously. The curators of this book have thoughtfully featured a core pillar of Abdullah Ocalan’s Democratic Modernity and its universal application – everyone who believes in ecological justice and how to build it should read this book as an introduction.”