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Politics of the scorched earth continue in whole Kurdistan

Politics of the scorched earth continue in whole Kurdistan

As we witness a process of global warming,…

New solar energy in Dêrik: The Construction of the solar powered well began

New solar energy in Dêrik: The Construction of the solar powered well began

After the Turkish airstrikes against the infrastructure in…

Difenderemo questa vita, resisteremo su questa terra.

Difenderemo questa vita, resisteremo su questa terra.

Reportage sulla vita socio-ecologica in Rojava e sugli…

New clip for environmental education

New clip for environmental education

We released a new short clip for children…

Women as vanguard of the ecological and anticolonial struggle

Women as vanguard of the ecological and anticolonial struggle

Interview with Berivan Omer and other insights from…

First Ecological Conference of North-East Syria

First Ecological Conference of North-East Syria

A new step toward the ecological revolution “Ecology…

“Wir werden dieses Leben verteidigen, wir werden auf diesem Land Widerstand leisten”

“Wir werden dieses Leben verteidigen, wir werden auf diesem Land Widerstand leisten”

Reportage über das sozial-ökologische Leben in Rojava und…

Tree planting on April 4, an act of struggle

Tree planting on April 4, an act of struggle

On the birthday of Abdullah Öcalan, people have…

On April 4, people plant trees all over Rojava; let’s follow their example!

On April 4, people plant trees all over Rojava; let’s follow their example!

Every year on April 4th, people, municipalities, and…

“We will defend this life, we will resist on this land”

“We will defend this life, we will resist on this land”

Reportage on the social-ecological life in Rojava, and…

“Every tree blossoms from it’s own roots”

“Every tree blossoms from it’s own roots”

On the Mother language day we worked together…

Defend the ecological revolution of Rojava !

Defend the ecological revolution of Rojava !

Like in October, on December 23rd the Turkish…