New solar energy in Dêrik: Construction of the solar powered well
After the Turkish airstrikes against the infrastructure in Rojava, the Democratic Autonomous Administration together with initiatives of international solidarity are […]
After the Turkish airstrikes against the infrastructure in Rojava, the Democratic Autonomous Administration together with initiatives of international solidarity are […]
Todos os anos, no dia 4 de abril, pessoas, municipalidades e conselhos de autogoverno plantam árvores em Rojava. O povo
Like in October, on December 23rd the Turkish state launched again a wave of attacks on Rojava. The fascists murder
Make Rojava Green Again will participate in the online session “Activism when your home is at war” in the frame
Only a short time after the martyrdom of Ş. Azad we got the message that the life ofour comrade Elefteriya
“To be young and not revolutionary is a contradiction, even a biological one” Salvador Allende
In this report we evaluate the impact of the recent Turkish attacks on northeast Syria. Since most of the attacks
For the recently announced new invasion we have to expect chemical weapons attacks of Turkey! Already during the Turkish invasion
We went together with the “Meclisa Malbatên Şehîdan”, the council of the families of the fallen, to the graveyard to