Strike for Social Ecology

To live up to the challenge of our era, we are calling the youth to take the revolutionary path.

Capitalist, statist and patriarchal systems are, in their essence, oppressive and destructive. The only source of solution against the ecological crisis can be found in the grassroots reorganization of the societies towards their autonomy, to make the tools of states and capitalists useless, to resist against their attack and finally to defeat them.

We stand for climate strike. But as long as it limits itself to being a demand to the organizers and profiteers of this disaster, we are doomed to fail in our ambitions. Climate strike should rather be an opportunity to step out of the system and to start to organize an ecological society on our own – Building autonomous committees, communes, assemblies, cooperative economy networks, social and ecological self-defense, or any initiative that leads to the emancipation of the people and the Earth.

Climate Justice is social Justice

Strike for climate, build social-ecology

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