Make Rojava Green Again dieses Jahr Kooperationspartner der Attac Sommerakademie
Make Rojava Green Agan ist dieses Jahr Kooperationspartner der Attac Sommerakademie. Darüber hinaus wird es auch ein 2-tägiges Seminar über […]
Make Rojava Green Agan ist dieses Jahr Kooperationspartner der Attac Sommerakademie. Darüber hinaus wird es auch ein 2-tägiges Seminar über […]
As April is one of the last months before the summer, we were focusing on the work at the site
– Finished June 2020 – In cooperation with the municipality of Derik and twin city association Berlin Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg-Derik. The project
In 2018 and 2019 cuttings from many different types of trees have been prepared and a huge shadow roof with
This is a translation of an article originally published by the Danish newspaper Politiken on March 4, 2019, written by
We condemn the repression against the Danish activist Anne Dalum. After the Danish secret service (PET) found out that Anne
Um encontro da campanha “Make Rojava Green Again” teve lugar durante este fim-de-semana em Genéva. Activistas focados no área da
Este fin de semana se celebró en Ginebra una reunión de trabajo de la campaña “Make Rojava Green Again”. Los
Une réunion de la campagne “Make Rojava Green Again” eut lieu ce weekend à Genève. Les activistes écologiques ont également
Questo fine settimana si è svolto a Ginevra un incontro della campagna “Make Rojava Green Again”. Oltre ad occuparsi di