Attacks on Rojava – Call for action against Turkey’s attacks

Last night, on 23. October, Turkey carried out massive air strikes on civilian targets in North-East Syria, killing and injuring dozens of people. So far, as it was the case a year ago, civilian infrastructure such as grain stores, power plants and administrative facilities like the City Defense Forces have been targeted. The center of the latest attacks was Rojava, but also Şengal and the mountains of Southern Kurdistan were attacked.

Our thoughts are with the families and all the people who defending their vision of a peaceful and free life. The consequences and suffering of the attacks cannot be expressed in facts or words.

The long-term consequences of the attacks will affect thousands of people, their livelihoods and the regional ecosystems. By this, the Turkish state is trying to deprive the self-government of its economic and social autonomy. With its attacks on the cornerstones of life, it has precisely the goals of depopulating the region, destroying the thousand-year history of Mesopotamia and making an ecocide in one of the most fertile and richest areas.

After the attacks in winter 23/24, it was already very clear that Turkey was pursuing a scorched earth policy in the truest sense of the word with these attacks. The Turkish state is currently in a deep economic and geopolitical crisis. This gives reason to use all means at its disposal to gain a leading role in the global power structure and to further intensify the attacks and destruction on the basis of its own interests. On one hand, it is trying to meet its occupation claims and expand its territory. On the other hand, it is trying to distract from domestic problems through active foreign policy.

These attacks fit into a wider picture of the destruction of nature and ecosystems throughout the Middle East, which is being carried out by the Turkish state and its allies such as Azerbaijan and various Islamist gangs. The occupation of Artsakh, the burning of forests in all parts of Kurdistan, the construction of dams in the Euphrates and Tigris and the subsequent devastation in Iraq and Syria, as well as the destruction in Lebanon and Palestine by Israel, Turkey’s trading partner. But this war does not only follow the individual interests of states, but it’s a major project controlled by NATO to seize energy resources and make economic profits. The European states are supporting Turkey with all the weapons. The environmental destruction is a consequence of the war of aggression against the development of a revolutionary society and a democratic way of life.

But we see how society rises up again and again, builds its structures and does not allow itself to be suppressed by the attacks on a free life. The development of self-government is a practical expression of a social, ecological vision. Thousands of people are building up this alternative under the most difficult conditions. In addition to the population of North-East Syria, people from all parts of the world who are in solidarity are also involved in this development, through practical support for renewable energies as well as through ideological and moral commitment.

We are addressing all these people and those who think and feel similarly in order to break the international silence together, to hold Turkey to account for its crimes against people and nature and to defend the construction of an ecological, social society. We call everyone to take action and to raise awareness about the events in Rojava. It is now particularly important that we embody the principles of a free society with democratic, ecological and equal values ​​and thus take a clear stance against the attacks of the colonialist powers.

Join and organize local actions. Together it’s possible to stop the attacks, to defend the revolution and to build up a free life!

Analysis about the global, political situation:

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