In remembrance of Şehîd Elefteriya Hambi
Only a short time after the martyrdom of Ş. Azad we got the message that the life ofour comrade Elefteriya […]
Only a short time after the martyrdom of Ş. Azad we got the message that the life ofour comrade Elefteriya […]
We are excited to announce a new project of ours. Together with the children of Dêrîk we have been greening
We went together with the “Meclisa Malbatên Şehîdan”, the council of the families of the fallen, to the graveyard to
Since we published our book Make Rojava Green Again – that describes our ideology and our aims as a campaign
Cet article est la transcription d’un exposé donné par un ancien membre du CFGN au Rojava, enregistré au Rojava pour
Mit einem Vortrag unter dem Titel „Das neue Paradigma: Ökologie, Demokratie und Geschlechterbefreiung zu einem revolutionären politischen Paradigma verweben“ beleuchtet
Este artículo es una transcripción de una charla- dada por un ex miembro empleado del CFGN (Community food growers network
This article is a transcription of a talk – given by a former CFGN staff member in Rojava – recorded