Deutsch, News Article
Unsere Herzen brennen für eine andere Welt
Am Abend des 27. September wird der türkische Regimechef Recep Erdogan, begleitet von Kampfjets in Berlin landen. Zu seiner Sicherheit
English, News Article
A Kurdish response to climate change
Conversations with the Kurdish Liberation Movement on ecological society and democratic confederalism. For 4000 years since the breakdown of the
English, News Article
Report of Afrin’s self-administration about nature destruction in the canton
In Afrin, the Turkish occupation forces and their jihadist allies are brutally devastating nature. Forests are burned and farmland looted.
English, News Article
Ecology in Democratic Confederalism
Ecology discussions and practices in the Kurdish Freedom Struggle with a focus on North Kurdistan (Bakur) by Ercan Ayboga, first
English, News Article
Rojava’s economics and the future of the revolution
The next text of Salvador Zana was published on Kurdish Question on 1 July 2017: Rojava’s economy has been much discussed. Rojava