Filling of Ilisu Dam has started! Come join the resistance with the “Hasankeyf Watch”!
The Turkish government has started filling the controversial Ilisu Dam Reservoir on the Tigris River in the Kurdish Southeast of […]
The Turkish government has started filling the controversial Ilisu Dam Reservoir on the Tigris River in the Kurdish Southeast of […]
Apenas dos días después de la 3ª Jornada Mundial de Acción por Hasankeyf, el 10 de junio de 2019, se
Apenas dois dias após o 3º Dia Mundial de Ação para Hasankeyf, no dia 10 de junho de 2019, a
Just two days after the 3rd Global Day of Action for Hasankeyf, on June 10, 2019, news spread that the Vi opfordrer sociale bevægelser, NGO’er, aktivister og andre i verden til at tilslutte sig den tredje Globale Aktionsdag til
Am 7. und 8. Juni gibt es die dritten globalen Hasankeyf Aktionstage! Wir möchten hier einen Bericht über die aktuelle
Also in Rojava in the village of Carudi, close to the Turkish border, where the people are also suffering from
Los dias 7-8 de junio tendrá lugar la 3a edición de los dias de acción globalpor Hassankeif. Compartimos aquí el
On June 7-8 will be the 3rd Global Hasankeyf Action Days. Here we want to share the “Report on the We call on social movements, NGO’s, activists and others in the world to join the 3rd Global Day of