Ecologiste e ecologisti mobilitatevi per il Rojava!
Read this text in English, Deutsch, Castellano, Polski, Français, Suomi, Türkçe, Português Il Movimento Ecologico della Mesopotamia e la Campagna […]
Read this text in English, Deutsch, Castellano, Polski, Français, Suomi, Türkçe, Português Il Movimento Ecologico della Mesopotamia e la Campagna […]
Read this text in English, Italiano, Castellano, Polski, Français, Suomi, Türkçe, Português Die Mesopotamische Ökologiebewegung und Make Rojava Green Again
Read this text in Deutsch, Italiano, Castellano, Polski, Français, Suomi, Türkçe, Português The Mesopotamia Ecology Movement and the Make Rojava
Originally published by Janet Biehl on March 7, 2015 I was invited to participate in the Ecology Assembly in Amed (Diyarbakir), which met on February
The next article was published on RoarMag Bookchin’s municipalist ideas, once rejected by communists and anarchists alike, have now come to
Hambach Forest in Germany is one of the last remaining primary forests in Europe. It is threatened by the mining
La forêt d’Hambach, en Allemagne, est l’une des dernières forêts primaires d’Europe. Elle est menacée par le conglomérat minier RWE
Der Hambacher Forst ist einer der letzten Primärwälder in Europa. Er ist nun bedroht, weil der Energieriese RWE den Wald