Picture Gallery June 2018

Our little trees are growing an getting stronger and stronger. We do our best do defend them against the hot burning sun and the high temperatures, wich is sometimes realy not easy. To be able to grow in the next year more trees we make plans for a bigger shadwo roof, to protect them from the sun. The most of our trees are growing good ans also some of our „Special Trees“ are growing very well, like the avocado, grapefruits or lemons.

Since a few days some of us going continious to a hughe tree nursery wich is near to the commune. There are planted thousands of threes and it is an very nice an impressive place. fruit, olive and pistacho trees are planted there and some giving already fruits. The Tree nursery is part of a very big coopertive, wich storage the wohle weaht for the region in enormous depots and silos. This cooperative takes also care for the further processing of the weaht and sell the finished bread for a very cheap price. lentils and chickpeasin are also processed in the cooperative.
The idea of the tree nursery is not only to product food or take care for an ecological situation in the region they also want to motivate people for buliding up smaller and decentralized tree nurserys in the region because it is only in this way posiible to realy make rojava green again.
We getting very much ideas there and see how the people here grow threes and what is important for this. We want to learn there more an we also want to strength the connection to local structures like this. On long term perspektive we can work very good together and in coordination with each other.

We also thinking very much about an good an watersafeing wateringsystem for our trees. In the next month we hopefully can say more and concrete things about this theme. The plan is to use some of the water we anyway use in the academy again for watering. For this projekt we searching also for people who has knowledges about this theme. So contact us, if you want to participate!

Also in the garden we do our best to save the live of our plants. We have plantetd especially very much diffrent types of melons and they growing very good. We looking forward to have in the next weeks, wehn the tempratures will going higher and higher, some fresh melons from our garden. It is a big learning fiel for us to see what is growing here and what not. We have seeds from here but also from greece and katalunia and slowly we finding out what is growing well an what not. We leran and learn and can also already eat some of our self-grown vegtables.

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