Make Rojava Green Again will participate in the online session “Activism when your home is at war” in the frame of the Earth Social Conference hold in Casanare in Colombia , along with Fridays For Future Ukraine and ecologists from West-Sahara. The different participants will expose the history of their region, the current situation and their organization. In following discussions, they will delve into the intersection of war and ecological devastation, highlighting diverse challenges and exploring perspectives.
Democratic Confederalism offers solutions to war and ecocide.
The spread of wars worldwide and the huge environmental damage we see today are closely connected. These phenomena are intrinsically intertwined, as they embody the imperialist system and evolve from the origins of patriarchy and the state structures. Constructing an ecological society thus necessitates a relentless struggle against all forms of oppression. It presents an opportunity for people to reclaim their inherent power and autonomy, and to resist against the devastating forces of war and ecocide. The ongoing Revolution in Rojava and North-East Syria, guided by Democratic Confederalism, shows how communities can defend themselves and their lands, and find revolutionary perspectives in front of the crisis of our era.