Picture Gallery March 2019

Spring has come to Rojava. Everywhere new plants and flowers are popping out. Everything is growing fast and blossoming. It is a beatiful time of the year. People start to move their life to the outside.

Also at our academy we could see how the tree cuttings we took this months and in the time before taking roots and develop. In the beginning of March we were cleaning up the academy, planting different vegetables in the ground and planted more olive trees. Also we were processing newly harvested olives and discovered a new place close to the academy to take cutting from the trees. We did again a few hundred cuttings and integrated them to our tree nursery.

Also in this month the work we do in cooperation with the municipality of Derik and the twin city association in Berlin, Germany kicked off. On one day we were together with the people of Derik cleaning up the river bed where we will do a small reforestation project.

Also we want to use the chance to thank all the donations coming in the last month. It was the most successful month until now!


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