35 actions worldwide for Hasankeyf – The filling of Ilisu is postponed!
Just two days after the 3rd Global Day of Action for Hasankeyf, on June 10, 2019, news spread that the […]
Just two days after the 3rd Global Day of Action for Hasankeyf, on June 10, 2019, news spread that the […]
El pasaporte de nuestra compañera Anne, que planeaba unirse al proyecto de Make Rojava Green Again en el norte de
A nossa companheira Anne, que estava a planear juntar-se ao trabalho do Make Rojava Green Again no norte da Síria,
Der dänische Staat beschlagnahmte den Pass unserer Genossin Anne, die vorhatte, sich an der Arbeit von Make Rojava Green Again
Our comrade Anne who was planning on joining the work of Make Rojava Green Again in Northern Syria had her
http://www.hasankeyfgirisimi.net/?p=844 Vi opfordrer sociale bevægelser, NGO’er, aktivister og andre i verden til at tilslutte sig den tredje Globale Aktionsdag til
Am 7. und 8. Juni gibt es die dritten globalen Hasankeyf Aktionstage! Wir möchten hier einen Bericht über die aktuelle
Also in Rojava in the village of Carudi, close to the Turkish border, where the people are also suffering from
Make Rojava Green Agan ist dieses Jahr Kooperationspartner der Attac Sommerakademie. Darüber hinaus wird es auch ein 2-tägiges Seminar über
This is a translation of an article originally published by the Danish newspaper Politiken on March 4, 2019, written by